Reserve Specialists and CAI Credentials
Much like knowing that your attorney or other business partner has earned the Educated Business Partner Distinction (Ashley Nichols of Cornerstone Law Firm, P.C. has!), you should also be asking whether your reserve specialist has earned CAI’s Reserve Specialist credential.
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Community associations rely on qualified reserve specialists to assist them in extensive reserve planning to keep their communities running smoothly. Community Associations Institute awards this designation to qualified reserve specialists who, through years of specialized experience, can help ensure that community associations prepare their reserve budget as accurately as possible.
Qualified reserve specialists will have prepared at least thirty (30) reserve studies in the past three full calendar years, hold a bachelor’s degree in construction management, architecture, or engineering (or equivalent experience and education), and comply with strict rules of conduct outlined by the Professional Reserve Specialist Code of Ethics.
And once obtained, reserve specialists must redesignate every three years. Does your provider hold the credential?
If you have questions about your community’s reserve specialist, or want more information on how to find a credentialed professional, reach out to Cornerstone at or head to Community Associations Institute’s webpage for more information!