Ashley Nichols obtains CAI Educated Business Partner Distinction!

Today, Ashley Nichols, Cornerstone’s founder, received the Community Associations Institute (CAI) Educated Business Partner distinction. She is the first, and only, attorney in Colorado to obtain this distinction.  Additionally, only a few hundred individuals hold this distinction nationwide!
CAI Chief Executive Officer Thomas M. Skiba, CAE says the following: “We congratulate CAI members who take the time and effort to complete the CAI Educated Business Partner online course. This achievement demonstrates a personal and corporate commitment to industry-specific education. It also reflects a desire to understand not just their own business clients, but also the nature and challenges of community associations in general. CAI applauds this accomplishment.”
Ashley looks forward to continuing to partner with community associations and other members of our industry to help ensure the vitality of our associations and to help rehabilitate the perception of our industry that unfortunately exists for many people!

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