School is in Session – Does Your Board Need Education?

  As a board member and/or homeowner, you have an incredible opportunity to make a difference in your community. But your role as a leader is only as effective as the knowledge you bring to the table. While there are no guarantees that your neighbors 

Call to Action – We need your help now!

Call to Action – We need your help now!

Members of our Community Association industry – we need your help now! There’s a link to the Call to Action at the end of this blog if you want to skip there – but the meat of it is important too. I hope you read 

Update Regarding Community Association Manager Licensing

HB 1212, the bill introduced to Recreate Homeowners’ Association Community Manager Licensing passed on Friday, May 3, 2019. It is currently awaiting the governor’s signature. The governor has thirty (30) days to sign the bill. If the governor takes no action , the legislation will become law 

Xeriscaping Bill Sent to Governor

HB-1050 has passed both the House and the Senate and has been sent to the Governor for signature. The bill prevents a homeowners association from prohibiting the use of drought-tolerant landscaping in common areas of a covenant controlled community. Under current law, a homeowners association 

Phones Back Online

Thanks so much for your patience while our phones were down. We are back online at this time.


Today, we are celebrating one year of business for Cornerstone Law Firm. Ashley Nichols has over a decade of experience partnering with managers, business partners, and community board members to provide a strong foundation for our associations. This foundation leads to the overall vitality and 

We’re growing!

  Cornerstone Law Firm would like to introduce Sam Firenze as the newest addition to our Community Associations team. With over 18+ years as a Business Development professional, Sam brings with him his ability to build long lasting relationships and to serve the needs of 

Ashley Nichols obtains CAI Educated Business Partner Distinction!

Today, Ashley Nichols, Cornerstone’s founder, received the Community Associations Institute (CAI) Educated Business Partner distinction. She is the first, and only, attorney in Colorado to obtain this distinction.  Additionally, only a few hundred individuals hold this distinction nationwide!   CAI Chief Executive Officer Thomas M. Skiba, 

Legislative Update

Some quick updates on a few of the pending bills that we are tracking this legislative session: SB 10, which concerns the requirement that residential landlords provide tenants with specified documents relevant to the landlord-tenant relationship, has passed the Senate and has been introduced in the